Look at the back. It’s definitely a glue on. Unless he has a scar in he back. What are your opinions?
Totally a piece
I don’t think it’s a hair piece. I just think he used that much product on it that it just doesn’t look real because it never moves.
Too thick and fake in front
Second question, is he going gray or is this a shine and reflection from His hair product?
Turkey is hair transplant capital of the world. If anything, he got a hair transplant, not a toupee.
Hair Stylist weighing in! I don’t think it’s a hairpiece. When I have a client who has had a hair transplant there is usually a smile shaped scar at the back of the head that is used for the transplant in the front. Of course I could be wrong? I do know that he has a shitty haircut and uses terrible styling products.