thankfully I haven’t run into a lot of people who defend Bojacks actions and specifically this moment of his. I still want to try to put into perspective how brutal the point of the 17 minutes is though.

17 minutes doesn’t sound very long for most people but try setting a timer for that long then sit there but do nothing. don’t do anything on your phone or chores around the house, just sit there. it feels pretty long when you aren’t doing anything, when you’re in a line for something and 17 minutes passes it feels like you’ve been in line forever. now imagine doing that but this time you have the knowledge that someone you care deeply about has just died (to your knowledge) in the room next to you and the way they passed incriminates you heavily. that makes less than 30 minutes feel like a lifetime of waiting. Now imagine waiting 17 minutes but this time you’re in the process of overdosing. I personally have overdosed twice in my life and there are moments where you can hear and feel the area around you but no matter what you do you can’t bring yourself to move or open your eyes. I have no idea if Sarah Lynn had slipped into real unconscious when Bojack started to notice something was wrong but if she was in one of those limbo moments that can happen when you’re on the verge of overdose like that, what she would have witnessed would have horrifying. imagine “watching” someone who is supposed to care deeply about you notice something is wrong but instead of doing anything to help you they pick up your phone, call their own phone to give themselves a believable story to give the police then leave you to sit there and die.

I feel like a lot of people understand to some extent how terrible that is but the act of waiting 17 minutes while someone you’re supposed to care about is dying is another level of darkness. Sarah Lynn could have lived if Bojack wasn’t so concerned about self preservation.

  • DjCyric@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    This episode made me put down Bojack for a good month. I was so incredibly angry at this character. Hurt and betrayed by a cartoon character that I needed space. I wasn’t in a good place, and Bojack made it so much worse.

    Eventually, I came back and finished the show. Bojack, as a show, is absolutely powerful art, but he is such an awful person. The writing is top-notch to make me care despise him so much.

  • laucdoe@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    the call back to the 17 minutes in the view from halfway down is haunting… a lot of that episode is, but that moment is so subtle that it feels different