I feel like her story crossed many lines. Watching videos from Gaza of innocent children with burnt bodies, brains exposed, or a boy with a blown-off leg and a burned face screaming in agony with rubble in his throat, I can’t help but feel that Loren’s humanity is selective. Perhaps if the Palestinians looked more European, she would have shown them sympathy. When Netanyahu quotes biblical texts to justify acts of violence, it’s not seen as terrorism. How much is too much for her? How many more babies and children does she want to see blown to bits to justify October 7th?

I condemn Hamas and the killing of all innocent civilians. I also condemn Israel for killing and carpet bombing Palestinian homes. As a leader, I wouldn’t bomb a city to bits, knowing I could potentially be killing the hostages that justified starting the war. My priority would be to send a special ops team to extract the hostages. If the exact location of the tunnels is known, why bomb from above without confirming the hostages are there? It makes no sense. Ignorance is bliss, and it shows.

It’s funny how she equates terrorism exclusively with Muslims. The mass shooting in Maine wasn’t carried out by a Muslim, but it was terrorism. Looking at statistics, the majority of mass shootings were not carried out by Muslims. Radicals exist in all religions; it’s not exclusive to Muslims. The majority of the war cabinet members in Israel are radicals, calling Palestinian children and babies animals and barbaric, blindly murdering them to pave the way for luxury condos and oil exploration. Google the leaked Israeli think tank document explaining their plan for the Gaza Strip. Israel has also approved oil exploration permits for companies like BP to search near the coast of Gaza. Islamophobia is real, and Loren is an Islamophobe.

  • Halfistani1@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    We have a few South African white people that have been on this show and are still on it. Apartheid in South Africa ended fairly recently in 1994. Imagine if a white South African was on the show trying to justify their apartheid history and their country’s ideals that African Blacks and Africans of Indian descent deserved to live in an apartheid because they are savages. You see that’s pretty much what Loren is doing now. She just can’t see it because she has been brainwashed and she has been radicalized for so long thanks to a birth right trip and anti Palestinian propaganda she has been fed for years and years by Israel. Shame on her. She has young babies at home and she is trying to justify Israel’s bombing of children. I don’t blame Loren for being blind because she clearly drank the kool aid that Israel has fed her so many years ago but I ask everyone would you feel safe if any Muslim country, let’s say Saudi Arabia were to offer American Muslims a “birth right” trip? And on that trip feed American Muslims propaganda that elevates Muslims but looks down on everyone that isn’t. Offer American Muslims multiple training on these trips and constantly remind them to keep visiting and keep sending money back there? Americans would lose their minds. Yet so many Americans don’t see a problem with birth right trips for Jewish Americans which radicalizes them. Also why aren’t more Jews especially those that visit Israel not questioned about their clear racism towards Arabs that are natives to the area? We question white people in this country (U.S.) all the time about why the civil rights movement took so long to happen. Final thought, Bravo in particular is in hot water with Ramona Singer being outed as a racist who uses the N word and says racist things. She’s starting to get cancelled and lose opportunities like BravoCon appearances and I hope Bravo never casts her again. Paula Dean was outed as a racist too and was cancelled promptly. As she should have been. Why don’t we hold Jewis American celebs and reality tv stars more accountable? Amy Schumer has shared the most disgusting anti Arab propaganda so has Sarah Silverman and now Loren on 90 day. This should not be acceptable and she shouldn’t get more air time as far as I’m concerned. There should be no room for racists on our TV screens. Antisemitism is something no one wants to be labeled but yet we don’t hold American Jews that are clearly anti Arab accountable because for decades Arabs have been seen as savages just as black people were, just as Indians were be it in South Africa or India when the British ruled India. Why are some racists held more accountable than others? Oh that’s right because some people in this country want to pledge full support to an apartheid state that plenty of human rights organizations have been sounding the alarm about for decades. Loren is a beautiful girl with a beautiful family, I wish them all well. I enjoyed seeing her as a young woman fall in love, get married, blend cultures and raise a family but when she posts anti Arab propaganda and tries to justify the killing of innocent kids (most of Gaza is made up of minors) that is where I draw a line and I would hope more of y’all would too. Shame on her and I hope 90 Day fiancé doesn’t stand by her and cancels them. They should not be given a platform on TLC anymore in my opinion.