I read a lots of books …I used to summarize the books to reach the summarized conclusion so I can use in my dialy life…but it turns into perfection state also I get attached to books or inspired by content and topics of the book even I know they are repeated topics but what comes in my mind that I will be perfect if this book inside and with this point I want to read all the books about this topic to have right knowledge or to be professional…but by this way I forgot the book is only a tool and every human can write books about the same topic but express differently…it took me a lot of time reading the same topic to build the same structure about the same point from different view but with the same goal…how I know that I completed my view about this topic and it is time to increase my knowledge and move on or take a step further than my narrow frame …to say it is enough for this topic what I know is sufficient inspite of any new topic that trigger me ?

How to read effectively and efficiently without exhausting energy or losing a lots of time trying to memorise every information to feel confidence in myself and in my prepared actions based on this way of studying …(because I thought this way of learning will make me confident )?

  • geekroick@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    I think if you’re trying to memorise every detail of every book you’re setting yourself up for failure. Only people with true recall have that ability and that’s incredibly rare.

    The best you can do is take your own notes that summarise the pertinent info, in a notebook, as you read through.