In S3E9, “Best Thing That Ever Happened,” there’s a minor donkey character there with her two sons. In the episode’s B plot, Bojack accidentally fires his authentic Italian immigrant stereotype, and the mother donkey takes over the restaurant and has one of her kids book a conference room for a big corporate meeting.

She says, “This is the meeting we finally get the big boys to let us get babies addicted to vaping!”

In S4E1, during the Schoolhouse Rock style clip where Katrina is giving state representatives whatever they want by adding riders to her bill so that Mr. Peanutbutter can legally become governor by beating Woodchuck in a ski race, the gator representative says, “I do have these campaign donors, uh, constituents, that really care about babies having access to vaping devices.” It gets added onto the bill.

Are we to assume Donkey Mom succeeded in convincing the big boys to let babies get addicted to vaping? Go Donkey Mom. She really can have it all, Vanessa Gecko style.