1. to discuss the TV show that I love
  2. to swoon over amazing and/or attractive characters / actors who I adore
  3. to deep dive into themes, “makes-you-think” parts or controversial things about the TV show I love, compare various opinions of various fans and the reasonings behind them
  4. To whine and complain that someone else here is trying to deep dive into themes, “makes-you-think” parts or controversial things about the TV show they love
  5. To accuse people of “being too focused” on some part of the TV show, because only my level of investment, passion and interest is okay! …Nobody is allowed to be more invested in any part of the lore of this TV show!..
  6. To accuse people of “needing to go offline” or “needing to take a breath” because only the extent to which I think about this show is allowed! …Nobody should think about it more deeply and try to discuss is it more!!!.. of course, I’m allowed to stay here, only they have to leave and go take a breath!!!
  7. To falsely diagnose, for example with autism, or personally attack in other ways, people for having good points. When I have no good counter argument, and when it’s proven for example that what they claimed fans say, the fans actually really do say in videos - I was proven wrong so:Ad hominems are for the cool kids!