I mean, in any season, don´t need to give context at all, just post the songs, regarding the lyrcis or the tune we can get the idea of how they would fit.

Remember that even Le Tigre - Deceptacon managed to fit into the TV series… (Atom-Eve special) so everything is possible here.

Here are mine.

Phillip Glass - Pruitt Igoe Very dark tune.

Angra - Acid Rain

Linkin Park - What have I done. I wouldn´t care to hear this in any chapter that Mark fucks up his job.

Phillip Glass - Phophecies , another dark tune.

Swizz Beat - Top down

Charmillonarie - Riddin Two hip-hop tunes… Titan would like those.

Mark Gonzales - The name of this poem Dark hip-hip tune.

Metallica - Orion

Mystifier - Give the Human devil his due. Death metal, featured in Gummo soundtrack.

Sleep - Naim´s Baptism

Bathory - Baptised in Fire and Ice

Poseidotica - Sueño narcótico

Mykail Rose - Mr. Collie reggae tune.