I know Annie and David have a show and then there was the family Chantel. But I wonder what couple will be next. I would personally watch Gino and Jasmine or Yara and Jovi. Darcy and Stacy’s series was hilarious.
I know Annie and David have a show and then there was the family Chantel. But I wonder what couple will be next. I would personally watch Gino and Jasmine or Yara and Jovi. Darcy and Stacy’s series was hilarious.
Din’Yell and Mohammed. I’d like to follow her journey mercilessly stalking him across the US to find him and have him de-PAH-ted back to Tunisia🤣🤣 I always felt bad for Mohammed, but that completely dead look in his eyes whenever he was with her is some of the funniest shit I’ve ever seen.
And, I think this might be controversial, but Daniele and Yohan. Maybe it’s because my boyfriend is from a similar country (Cuba) and it feels kind of “familiar” and interesting, but I’d actually watch their spin-off if they got one.