I was wondering, what exactly does Viltrum get from colonizing planets like they do? The way Nolan puts it, it really makes it sound like their Empire is way too big for their own good. They don’t particularly seem in need of specific resources. I could maybe see slavery, but by the looks of it, one viltrumite operative pretty much beats the entire population of Earth, or any biologically comparable species, by a mile.

I do get somewhat the impression that it is a more ideological quest than like a tangible resources one. So that brings me to the next question: Is what Nolan said true? Do we know it from the comics? I’d imagine if they’re so old, they do in fact would have ridiculously advanced technology that could exponentially increase our quality of life, and given what just Omni-Man can do, it sure seems like one of them could basically watch over the planet and strong-arm wars into being ended? Is that what they do?

Although oppression is inherently evil, and the point is more that we don’t have a choice, and they are inherently fucked up supremacists, if we look at joining the Viltrum Empire out of pragmatism, what would that look like? Do we get to see any planets that are living under Viltrum’s control in the comics? Are Nolan’s promises true? And what are they expecting in return if they are colonizing worlds and basically giving them leaps and bounds in quality of life?

  • Weird_Molasses_1095@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    If their problem is resources, there are many planets with no life on them and many resources, why don’t they use those planets?

  • Napalmeon@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Nolan did not tell Mark the full story of what happens when Viltrum come to a planet in order to colonize it. Nolan tells a lot of half truths.

    First off, the Viltrumite that was originally sent to whatever planet they are occupying? They get the privilege to own it as their personal property for about 500 years, if I remember correctly. Then after that, the planet is added to the Empire, proper.

    Now, even though it happened unintentionally, Nolan grew accustomed to playing house. He would never admit out loud, but he ended up liking people on Earth, because he was allowed to explore parts of himself that are not allowed in Viltrum society.  As long as the humans did not misbehave, he would have still continued acting as their beloved Omni Man.

    But, when the time comes, the Empire will start ripping the planet apart for all of its resources, and once it has nothing left to give, it will be abandoned, or destroyed. So yes, humanity would benefit from incredibly advanced technology that would help society, but not indefinitely. And considering that humanity are not a physically impressive race, they likely would not even be taken as subordinates that could be used for labor.

    • SPS_Agent@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      Heavy, HEAVY spoilers here for the comic. Click at your own risk.

      !Nolans situation with Earth is NOT normal. He was given 500 years to assimilate Earth, yes, but not all Viltrumites get this. It was 1, a gift/reward for his incredible service to the empire spanning centuries and 2, an extremely important mission they had to entrust to their best. The real goal of the colonization is to fully test earth’s compatibility with Viltrum DNA, and prepare the planet for the purpose of repopulating the severely reduced Viltrum species. The reason he was given that time was because they needed to make sure the planet was taken, and they wanted to make sure he had time to do it, preferably with as painless a process as possible. !<

      • Mun3001s@alien.topOPB
        10 months ago

        Ohhhh, that’s exceptionally interesting. Guess they do have a motivation to want us, then. Wow, Nolan, way to mow down the empire’s cattle. Somebody is not getting a bonus after their millenium performance review.

    • Weird_Molasses_1095@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      If their problem is resources, there are many planets with no life on them and many resources, why don’t they use those planets?

  • SirJoeffer@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    considering that humans are not a physically impressive race

    They would be breeders. Human/Viltrum hybrids are almost full blooded Viltrumites, that’s very useful for a society struggling to maintain its population