I have two. The Ritual and Drowning.

The Ritual is pure smut. 61 chapters and every one contains a graphic, demeaning sex scene. I’m convinced the author was an adult film screenwriter and decided to try their hand at writing a novel. There isn’t a single likable character in this book.

Drowning isn’t a great work of literature. I felt that the characters were very two-dimensional. I hated how naive the author made the protagonist. It made me have a lack of sympathy for her. The ending was series finale of Dexter bad.

  • ExpectoPropolis@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Thistlefoot by Genna Rose Nethercott. I was so disappointed because I was expecting a whimsical retelling of Baba Yaga. Instead I got metaphor about how Fox News plays on the fears of its viewers. Every character was unlikeable and I didn’t care what happened to any of them. Many social issues were shoe-horned into the story which felt more like a check list being ticked off as opposed to organic. Magic was an afterthought. I get what Nethercott was trying to do, it just came off clunky and…juvenile, maybe? Like when an author uses a lot of big words and adjectives to show you how deep/poetic/smart they are. I just wanted more fun, house on chicken legs magic. It’s fine the author wanted to do something different than expected. I just don’t agree she achieved it. I tried both book and audiobook and DNF’d at about 30/40% with each.