
  1. Amber and Mark’s relationship is no longer layered. I appreciated how Amber and Mark shared a very idealistic outlook of the world, but still butted heads, because they’re capabilities and methods of helping and implementing change were largely different.

I don’t like how perfect their relationship now appears to be

  1. Eve’s dad now lacks any sort of nuance. I felt that Eve’s dad extremely misguided and controlling action’s stemmed from a wanting to have a “normal” family and with a teenage superhero daughter this couldn’t happen.

I also liked how based on their different upbringings you could infer why Mark chooses a much more healthy partner in Amber, but Eve chose the far less healthy partner in Rex.

All that nuance is gone though, and now Eve’s dad is a south park “They took er jobs” meme.

  1. Immortal is goofy and based off of what we’ve seen of him so far, it seems so out of character for him to have sex with duplicate. Maybe this will be explained though with changes to his personality caused by Cecil’s resurrection.

  2. The abusive home buyer scene was so on the nose, I don’t like how they’re handling Debby’s grief at all. I think Debby in many ways was Nolan’s pet. There was always this passivity to her interactions with Nolan up until she learned the truth.

I would have preferred the home buyer to not be abusive, but more so condescending, talking down to his wife, acknowledging her feelings, but acting in a superior way, with a wife going along with it all, not noticing it, with stars in her eyes looking at her “perfect man.”

This type of dynamic would have been far more familiar to Debbie and also would not have allowed her to be so clearly in the right with her “she’s not your pet,” line.

It would speak to the unique experience that Debbie faced and how after hearing herself being called a “pet,” only she could really pick up on something as subtle as an unequal partnership.

Just my thoughts.

  • DreadfuryDK@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Honestly, I vastly prefer this version of Eve’s dad to the comics’ version.

    In the comics, he was just ludicrously sexist to the point where it was extremely uncomfortable/unsettling. In the show, him being a blue-collar construction worker who eventually works a minimum-wage job who feels threatened by superheroes’ unbelievable powers makes him a bit more… I don’t want to say sympathetic since the dude’s still a colossal asshat, through and through, but maybe believable? Like, he’s absolutely an asshat and he’s absolutely in the wrong, but I feel like his prejudices are a lot more understandable considering superheroes and their antics have genuinely given construction workers a lot of problems in this universe.

    I dunno; I vastly prefer this characterization for him. There’s still probably gonna be plenty of room for him to be extremely sexist later on in the show’s run, but I kinda like how they kept him deplorable without keeping him gross.