What do you think of when you think of the word “materialistic” or “materialism?”

When I think of this word, I think of typically expensive things, such as jewelry, and designer clothes and shoes. Things that are pretty but not what you might call “useful.” At least, I don’t. Then again, depending on who you ask, (like my dad) the same could be said for books.

Personally, all my extra funds are spent on books. Since discovering PangoBooks, the majority of the books I buy are used and discounted. But since I could get them from the library, you could make the argument that buying so many books, new or otherwise, could also be considered “materialistic.”

What do you think?

  • baby_armadillo@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    If you are buying books to read, and you are reading them, that’s just engaging in a hobby. If you are buying books just to have them, buying expensive first editions or fancy versions to show off and display for clout, that kind of thing, that seems materialistic to me.

    Materialism isn’t so much about what you buy, it’s about the intent behind it. Buying stuff just to show off how much money you have and gain prestige through your material possessions is very different from buying things you genuinely enjoy and use and would buy regardless of if it positively benefits your social status or not.