My main complaint with this plot point in the comics is just how anticlimactic it kinda is. Once Omni man dips we have the threat of this almighty empire of thousands of super men, vastly superior than anyone on earth which is great. The Viltrumite Empire was a great threat for most of the show until the Scrouge virus.

First of all it doesn’t even make sense realistically, like literally NO ONE know that the greatest empire in the entire galaxy was basically wiped out to 50 members? It’s like if the rebellion in Star Wars didn’t know that there were only like a couple people in the Empire. Ik usually only one Viltrumite comes down to check on a planet every once and a while but the COALITION of MULTIPLE planets didn’t have one good source of intel?

Other than that it just seems kinda lame. Up until that point we just had to deal with the fear that Mark and Earth eventually had to deal with an entire empire. But eh, I guess not anymore, there are only like 50 because of some random virus. That completely ruins that entire threat they had goin.

Ik a lot of plot lines in the show kinda rely on the scourge virus but I kinda hope they figure out a work around somehow. If the comic didn’t have it the series would be like twice as long but I think with a couple of smart descion they can pull it off.