And now another Niven collection is now read! This collection I’ve now finished is Niven’s first collection titled “Neutron Star”.

This first collection gathers the eight stories of Niven’s Known Space series that were published in the SF magazine Galaxy from 1966-67. In these short stories we’re introduced to worlds and characters and races in all of Known Space.

Thrints, Bandersnatchi, Puppeteers and a myriad of other alien creatures all abound here. And there are also the worlds and places such as Lookitthat, Down and Jinx, (fun names right?) worlds that are only found in these stories. And most of all these stories trace mankind’s expansion and colonization all throughout known space.

A couple of the stories from this collection, specifically “A Relic of the Empire” and “The Soft Weapon”, were also included in “Playgrounds of the Mind”. But this is the first book I’ve read that is centered specifically around Niven’s Known Space series, and they were a pleasure to read!

I’ve taken a shine to the humor and charm that he brings to these stories. Possibly my favorite character from them is Beowulf Shaeffer the Crashlander who is in his own stories. I have yet to venture deeper into Known Space as of yet but hopefully I will eventually get to that!

A side note here, and I should’ve brought it up in my “playgrounds of the Mind” post, “The Soft Weapon” would become the basis for the Star Trek animated series in the 70s under the title “The Slaver Weapon”. This of course would introduce the Kzinti, one of Niven’s creations, in the Star Trek universe.