The synopsis seemed intriguing. The start was riveting. But I’ve been falling asleep I don’t know how many times since I started it. I’m 30% in now so I’m in this sunk cost fallacy, where I invested so much time now and I’m just wondering if I should push through. Should I push through? I hear so much praise on this book but for me it. Just. Does. Not. Work. Not even mentioning the weird punctuation (lack of) and style, where I feel like I’m inside someone’s gibberish blabbering. Should I just cut my losses? Also, don’t know if it’s worth mentioning but I was in a reading slump for weeks and I had hoped this book would get me out of it. Needless to say, it failed.

  • ImJoshsome@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Blindness is my favorite book, but Saramago isn’t for everyone. Personally I love his writing style and think it’s incredibly fluid, but it doesn’t work for a lot of people.

    I’d say if you haven’t gotten to the part where the asylum splits into 2 different groups then keep reading until that part. It starts picking up around there. But also if you aren’t finding the social commentary interesting then there might not be much for you.