Hi people

I’m 23 and love to read (books, manga, LNs, etc.), but I got judged negativly(??) what I read. That almost everything that I read is mid or smth like this. I should read peak, etc. Yes I know, I should ignore it, but it’s really hard. One day it snapped for me, it was my fault too, but now i’m in a reading slumb. For months now, even tho I distanced myself from this people.

-Then there is the problem that I have so much, that I don’t know what to read. -No motivation to read. -YouTube Shorts -scrolling mindlessly -gaming (star rail and Genshin) -other stuff (art, daydreaming)

But yeah, how do I get back? Is there a way? Because the judgment from other are still in the back of my mind… Maybe self imflicted pressure too, because I want to read this stories…

It’s always a back and forth haah I need a little bit of help, maybe it gets better again if the negative stuff gets out of my head, just don’t know how

  • DM_Me_Ur_Roms@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I get it. I know people keep saying just ignore them, but we are human, so don’t beat yourself up over that. And don’t beat yourself up over getting into an endless scroll. These apps are designed to do that.

    But I am gonna repeat what someone else said: start slow. You might have been an avid reader then, but sometimes just jumping in can he hard. So find a time when it works best for you, then find a good way to start.

    Like set an alarm. Once that alarm goes off, if you’re not busy, then start. If you’re scrolling, no “one more video.” That’s been my biggest weakness. It’s always one more. Then one more. Then one more. Then it’s an hour later and I haven’t started anything. So as soon as it goes off, so does the video.

    Then either go by time or pages. If by time, 15 minutes. If pages, 10 pages. Its not much, but the point is to get back into the habit of starting. For most non readers, this can sometimes be mentally enough. Since you have been a reader, maybe you will find you instantly want to keep going. But ti start, remind yourself that you at least need to just do that. Then you can go back to scrolling if you want. I find it easier to convince myself to do it on days when I’m not feeling it as much if I remind myself “I only need to do this much”. Some days I just do that. Some days I do a bit more. But at least on those days I’m getting a little bit.

    • Farnregen@alien.topOPB
      10 months ago

      Thank you ❤️. i will try that out, maybe this will work out and then I get out of this very fast