Like, when versions of her die, does all of her experience that or just the versions that die?
Edit: Side question, I’ve also noticed the numbers in the middle of her shirt. What happens if the one with the 1 dies? Does a different copy’s 3 turn into a 1 or something? Cuz it always seems like it’s a 1 when there’s just one
If that’s thr case then that helps the bullshit age issue people are on. She has probably mental age of an ancient if every copy experience everything and shares it.
If she is 25 and has copies then she is really 50, which means she is probably 75 at bare minimum.
Well that would really depend on how long she has her duplicates out for. Maybe I’m remembering wrong but I get the impression she doesn’t really have them out for more than like an hour on any given day, so that wouldn’t be enough to really close that gap in any significant way
Not to a thousands of years, but she would be well into her hundreds
But like, let’s be generous and say she spent an hour a day every day of her life with 3 duplicates (4 total). I’m also not sure of her age but let’s be generous again and say she’s 20. That would be 27 hours a day for 20 years. That would only make her 22 and a half years old. To even reach 100 she would need to have 5 versions of herself active 24/7
What age issues?