Maybe it’s that I am too young to understand his work, maybe I haven’t read enough French literature, maybe I haven’t read him enough, or maybe it’s that I don’t agree with him politically (I’m a leftist) but I just don’t get him. He is provocative and that has been working for him. I thought Submission was…eh? (also kind of islamophobic). Though maybe I didn’t like that one because I don’t live in France and I don’t know the situation there. I tried Elementary Particles, I thought a part of it was really strange. I feel like he tries to be Céline but fails.
So please, if there’s anyone who “gets” Houellebecq, could you explain to me the appeal of his work? Thank you!

  • KollyKibber39@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I enjoy Houellebecq’s books, although I totally understand why a lot of people hate them. What I really like about them is the way he can write pages and pages of stuff that doesn’t really mean much to me at all (especially when concerning French popular culture or politics) but then all those sudden he will hit me with a scene or even a sentence or just a simile that just floors me. Some lines of his I remember clearly and often think to myself despite it being years since I’ve read them - there aren’t many authors I can say that about.