She is going to want to go back home and I don’t blame her. His place is like a hoarder, it appears his mom has some mental issues, but that doesn’t mean he can’t be clean. Dude is a slob. I don’t even think he showered before getting in bed

  • Treesbentwithsnow@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I think the way they have all the containers and clutter laying out side by side instead of stacking the crap takes up more space than needed. Why can’t they stack those Tupperware containers? Just doing that would make room for a small eating table. But do they want to eat in the animal room? Is the smell so bad that they have no desire to eat near them? It looks like the pigs are well taken care of and have a clean living space. I think the guy and the mom are just never in the animal area. He is always in his room working or playing games. Mom is always in her closet so they don’t feel a need to enhance the animal area for humans. It will be fascinating to see what Analí does about the situation. Also I feel mom will never get on her feet and live alone. He will be stuck with her for life.