This isn’t meant to be derogatory but honestly I’m baffled by the amount of people who are on the show who don’t seem to understand simple human reproduction. Like Micheal wanting kids with Angie … umm it’s never gonna happen … a lot of the women on the show are over 40 and maybe could get pregnant naturally but statistically improbable. Seems A lot of these guys have no idea how these things work

  • Single-Channel-4292@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I taught Key Stage 2 (aged 7-11) in the UK for 25 years and had to teach sex education to the older 2 year groups. Of course I hated teaching it. It was always a little bit awkward and I just knew that the sharper kids connected the dots in their heads and realised that almost every adult, including their teachers, has had sex at some point.

    It was about puberty and body changes for the 9-10 year olds and sexual intercourse for the 10-11 year olds. Prior to the lessons, we held a meeting for parents, to prepare them for any questions that they may get as a consequence of the lessons.

    I did things, such as have an anonymous question box that I would answer at the end of the day. Although it was anonymous, I could still tell the kids’ handwriting on the question slips of paper, but I didn’t let on. It was pretty clear to see who had older siblings, as those were much more clued in. Some of the questions I didn’t answer. If it was prying or graphic, I wouldn’t answer and I would say, “I have one final question, but it’s best for the child to ask their parents about it.”

    I don’t miss it! (Teaching sex education, not the actual sex!)