I’m watching these two on “the last resort” and I feel like I’m going crazy. She is so pretty and so sweet and he is so repulsive in every way. I never watched their season of 90 day so if I’m missing something, please tell me. He seems like such a slime ball. And from his strip club obsession and the alcohol thing, it seems like there’s a reason he prefers to have a job where he gets to spend a whole month away from being a dad and a husband (for less money) than a normal job close to his family that pays more. I feel like she’s an absolute GEM and he’s just completely blind to the fact that she is (probably) too good for him. Why is she with him? Am I missing something?

Also… is it THAT bad to hide going on birth control? I’ve never been married but she seemed stressed out by his 2nd baby pressure and the fact that he’s just not around for months at a time… I’d never be w that man but if I were in that situation, I might get nervous and take that precaution as well… I was kind of shocked at jovi and his mom treating her decision to go on birth control as some grave sin. Also… I just don’t think it’s worse than jovi hiding his job offer.

This show never ceases to baffle me.