Hey there everyone! I finished reading Saramago’s ‘Blindness’ a while ago and… I have to admit that I had to push myself through to finish it, much to the bafflement of many people who consider it a ‘masterpiece’. When I wrote its review, I pointed out how the written style was blocky and nearly a headache to read due to the lack of proper punctuation, paragraphs and so on.

But now I’m sort of curious, what sort of book you thought was ‘overrated’ and why?

  • biancanevenc@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    A while back (a few decades ago, lol) I used to take the year-end top 10 lists very seriously. Any book that was on several lists got added to my TBR list. Then one year I got around to reading several of these highly regarded, prize-winning, mentioned-on-several-top-ten lists and was hugely disappointed.

    The last one was the worst. I don’t even remember the name, but it was so bizarre and pointless. I got nothing out of it. It wasn’t uplifting, inspiring, comforting, or even entertaining.

    After that I stopped putting much stock in ratings and book reviews. They may point me toward new books, but I don’t add a book to my TBR list unless it looks like the type of book that I’ll enjoy.