Have you ever wondered why diving into a physical book can feel more mentally exhausting compared to its digital counterpart, the e-book? Share your thoughts, experiences, and theories on why the format of the book might impact our perception of mental energy. Do you prefer one over the other for specific types of content? #BookVsEbook #ReadingExperience #RedditDiscussion

  • minimalist_coach@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I read in all formats, but I find ebooks the hardest to keep my focus on. Perhaps because I’m older and I didn’t grow up consuming media on a screen. For me paper helps me focus, I grew up with printed books as the only option, news came once a day on paper, maps were paper etc. We only had 3 channels on our TV and in my house it was only on 1 hour per day.

    If I had to guess why people find it easier to focus on an ebook than a print book I would guess it’s because our electronic devices are filled with apps that are specifically designed to addict us to them. There is a lot of money spent by companies to find ways to keep people on the app longer and more frequently to increase their revenue, so we have been trained to give these devices our full attention and it often takes an outside force to break us free once we dive in.