Okay so when I finish reading a book I loved, I’ll often write a short review or give it a good rating and leave it at that. But with books I hate it’s different, in fact sometimes I’ll be midway and not want to continue reading but my desire to “hate” on it properly and my curiosity to how worse it can get will motivate me to finish it so I can write a long essay on why it was bad. It’s not tiring, it actually comes very easily but I can’t help but think sometimes if I have an issue or other people might feel or act like that.

  • l00ky_here@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    The hardest part I find for writing long reviews for books I hate is the fact that I have to explain all the crappy plotholes, dialogue, tropes, etc. The reasons WHY I didn’t like the book. In order to do this I make sure I have examples. Hunting around the book for these examples gets tedious.

    Now, the worst reviews I have are for books by authors I love, and have asked me to review their books, and I see that they are slipping into territories that are not good.

    IE. An author who has become too pointed in their views and basically spends pages and pages on college level lectures on feminist politics - when I just want to read the story.

    An author who should have stopped after the last book

    An author who has been doubling down on the icky taboo.

    I hate that. I hate having to whitewash a review because I don’t want to hurt the author’s feelings, or turn off readers.