Just picked up Thoreau’s Walden again for the first time since high school. It’s been a couple years shy of a decade since HS, and man… this book was amazing then, it’s brilliant now. Trying to figure out why I loved this so much and why I still love it. The mix of philosophical musing combined with survivalism/asceticism is positively intoxicating to me.

Especially his thoughts in the first chapter about how most men live quiet lives of desperation and are generally dissociated from the real gift that is a conscious, reflective, examined life… I work in an extremely demanding and fast-paced profession (biglaw M&A) and the words hit me so much harder than they did in high school.

Any other Walden/Thoreau fans here?

  • hazelparadise@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    It’s great to hear that you’re revisiting Thoreau’s Walden and finding it even more meaningful as time goes on. Walden is a timeless work that continues to resonate with readers across different stages of life. Thoreau’s exploration of simple living, self-reliance, and the importance of a deliberate, examined life can be especially powerful in today’s fast-paced and demanding world.

    The first chapter you mentioned, where Thoreau reflects on the lives of quiet desperation that many people lead, is a poignant critique of the modern condition. It challenges readers to reconsider their priorities and question societal norms. In the hustle and bustle of professional life, Thoreau’s words may serve as a reminder to pause, reflect, and strive for a more intentional and meaningful existence.

    Walden’s combination of philosophical musings and practical insights into survivalism and asceticism creates a unique blend that has resonated with readers for generations. Thoreau’s deep connection with nature and his emphasis on the value of solitude also add layers of contemplation to the work.

    If you’re interested in exploring similar themes in literature, you might enjoy other works that delve into nature, individualism, and the human experience. Authors like Ralph Waldo Emerson, who was a mentor and friend to Thoreau, or other transcendentalist writers could be a natural next step.

    Feel free to share any specific passages or ideas from Walden that have particularly resonated with you, and we can discuss them further!