Just finished this book. It’s so slow I feel like it only gets more interesting (to me) after Angel (God I hate this guy) fought with Tess because of her past.

I personally think the language used is great despite so many old unfamiliar words (old lady lady what does tht mean lol). That being said my God the plot is devastating. I thought this book is going to be a light romance or just a romance but I spoke discovered all the main characters irritate me to no end.

Angel Clare was just a fool I have no idea why he was seen as this hero when he’s not. As soon as he fond out his wife was in trouble he should have immediately gone to help. But nah, let’s just wait awhile me because my wife messed up a billion years ago.

Tess is also super whiny and insufferable. I thought we would have a character development with her seeing the red flags with Clare but nah, turns out she’s still stupidly head over heals with him( not even a cute beautiful manner it’s more like stupidity to me, like how a kidnapped victim would fall in love with her captor). I wont recommend a younger person to read this book as they would have thought this is a romantic story because none of the main characters in the love triangle (Angel, Tess, Alec) were even good example of how a love should be. How Tess is willing to KILL Alec who have helped him JUST because Angel is willing to return AFTER years (which really shouldn’t make him a good person, that’s like saying I love someone for doing the bare minimum), I kid you not I almost do not finish the book. It is such a stupid move , an unexpected twist but one that fill me with annoyance .The characters annoy me more than all the character of Wuthering Heights. I literally have to spent a LOT of chapters listening to her whine for Angel only to find out she has a horrible character development and still in love with Angel after he has treat her terrible for so long. I wouldn’t welcome someone back if that person suddenly decided to be nice to me after years. Angel don’t even do anything all he did is just show his ass and Tess is suddenly ‘hmm at least Angel returned let me kill Alex who actually literally helped me out of trouble because WHY not’. Anyone could see Angel is a terrible husband and would have said the same, doesn’t mean they’re lying. This woman is incapable of logical thinking.

Alec is a bit better out of the main trio, but the way he’s being so harsh with Tess while saying she should be his wife is also a red flag. The fact that he also blame the religious group because of his own mistakes too. like nah boy, you got horny it ain’t those people’s fault you can’t fulfill your promises to them and do your job. Shouldn’t have joined if you don’t think you can take it.

What actually DISTURBING is the ending chapter. It is creepy the fact that Angel decided to be with Tess’s sister who was literally a LOT younger. She was a child when Tess last saw her before Tess went to the farm. like how BIG is the age difference? the writer literally implied too that she was half girl half woman.

A lot of red flags and it’s definitely a devastating book overall. I feel like I wasted my time reading this book because I was looking for character development and to find out there is none and all is the same and Angel literally got out unscathed is infuriating.

It’s not even an enjoyable read. You spend majority of the book listening to Tess whining about Angel , her fool husband.

I’d give this book 2/5.

Please take note too that this is my opinion. You don’t agree with me , if you like the book then ok. But I truly despise this book and this is coming from someone that don’t even despise Wuthering Heights. That’s how annoying the whole book and characters were for me.

  • sekhmet1010@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I thought this book is going to be a light romance or just a romance

    You picked up a Thomas Hardy novel for a light romance?? That’s like me picking up a sumptuous and rich chocolate cake because i wanted popcorn. Maybe you ought to put in a little bit of effort in finding out what you are reading beforehand so that you aren’t disappointed.

    This particular review feels almost like it belongs in r/bookscirclejerk , it is making me face palm so hard.

    No offence, but you seem to have missed almost every single point that Hardy was trying to make. It is rare for me to say that someone didn’t understand much about a book just because they didn’t like it, but in this case it is true.

    • QuietFoundation5464@alien.topOPB
      10 months ago

      If Hardy is going to make a point he definitely failed it with this book. This book isn’t a good representation of woman and I’m surprised some people think it is. Tess behaved like an idiot the entire book and when I thought I finally see the character development turns out she runs away again with the guy that hurt her. It’s infuriating.

      Women in 19th century don’t act like Tess. Sure they are pressured to stay in marriages and that’s what happened with Tess and Angel, but the part where she literally is okay with Angel dating her little sister who had such big age gap is not, and neither does her killing Alec. The book implies she did it out of anger purely because Alec told her Angel won’t return and no other reason. Which imo is logical if anyone thinks Angel won’t return part as this man have left Tess for years.

      Yes Tess is wronged but that doesn’t excuse what she did.

      There’s a lot more novels that can describe women in 19th century better than this book. I don’t think Hardy describes women well in this book at all, in fact he does the complete opposite.

      All this also doesn’t take away the fact that this book lacks a more interesting plot. I have read The Picture of Dorian Grey and I feel like the writer did a better job in symbolism in that book than Hardy did with women in Tess of D’urbelvilles.