It’s funny to me because the average salary in Candini is equal $303 USD a month. Brandon made $19.5k from filming their season, where did that money go? He already paid $60k USD to have the house built. They do have higher utilities cost because they’re semi “rural” but even at an average $100 a month for power/water for swanky homes, they should have more than enough to live still.
It’s funny to me because the average salary in Candini is equal $303 USD a month. Brandon made $19.5k from filming their season, where did that money go? He already paid $60k USD to have the house built. They do have higher utilities cost because they’re semi “rural” but even at an average $100 a month for power/water for swanky homes, they should have more than enough to live still.
They eat out constantly, so she can post eating videos of them. They get a lot of money from FB followers.