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Cecil’s scars are probably his most recognizable facial features. But with all we’ve seen in the show so far there should be no reason why he has them. In the fight with Machine head we see the new Guardians get absolutely demolished by the mercenaries, this includes exceptional blunt force trauma, open wounds, and burns. Yet they show no lasting scars in further episodes. Furthermore, after Mark and Nolan’s fight Mark is left with multiple chunks of his face broken off. But again, these are absent after he leaves the GDA hospital. Clearly the GDA’s medical services are capable of removing even the most extreme scars.

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This shot shortly after Nolan punches Mark into the mountain shows pieces of his face missing in his nose, upper lip, and chin. Including this as I thought they might have been bits of shrapnel from the train, boat, buildings, etc. Which I feel would have been more plausable to have the scars be easily removable by modern, real medical technology. But seeing as they are large pieces of his flesh missing, yet leave no lasting scars, I felt to include it as it clearly shows the GDA posessing exceptionally good medical services

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Seeing as how in the show so far it has not been stated that Viltrumites, nor many of the other superheroes mentioned previously, have powers of regeneration, what gave Cecil his scars and why are they seemingly not repairable? Were they obtained through some otherworldly character and aren’t repairable due to their powers? Does he choose to keep them out of a sense of pride? Perhaps a sense of shame for a past failure?

What do you think is goin’ on with Cecil’s scars?