In 1439 the printing press was invented, making books common. Before that, there were scrolls and codices, but from what I understand, aside from religious texts books weren’t common.

Nowadays people who prefer to be alone have tons of modern hobbies like gaming, photography, crochet, biking, podcasts, the internet in general. So I just wanted to ask; if you prefer solitude, what hobby would you enjoy if you could live in any time before books were common? (with the assumption you had a comfortable life.)

The options I thought of were: collecting something, working out, writing, wood working, gardening, hiking, some instruments, and I’m sure there’s many more.

  • potatochipsandcola@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    My hobby would be dressing like a man because women before the 21st century were property, forced to give birth (moreso than today), and raped and killed.

    Did you know that prior to 1993, marital rape was not a crime? How utterly sad that is. And even now, marital rape is not the same as non-marital rape in the courts. Hell no would I ever want to live in an era that’s not today. Yeah we still have problems but it’s a lot better than 20, 30, 40 years before.