Unfortunately I lost my Mom (68) almost two years ago now. Ted was an instant obsession for her when I put her onto it. Only felt right to find a way to work a Lassoism into her eulogy, which being the oldest (43m) at the time and most composed, the task fell on me…

“Last year when she was visiting NY in February, I told her that she needed to watch this new show on Apple Tv called Ted Lasso. She shrugged my suggestion off for a couple days but was hooked by the end of the first episode. Over the last year I am not sure if there were many conversations that didn’t include Ted Lasso or Jason Sudeikis and his plans for the series. With that being said, I’d like to conclude with a quote from the show which I paraphrase very slightly.

This is a sad moment right here. For all of us. And there ain’t nothing I can say, standing in front of you right now, that can take that away. But please do me this favor, will you? Lift your heads up and look around, Yeah? Look at everybody else in here. I want you to be grateful that you’re going through this sad moment with all these other folks. Because I promise you, there is something worse out there than being sad, and that is being alone and being sad. Ain’t nobody in this room alone. Let’s be sad now. Let’s be sad together. But then, let’s move onward and forward with her in our hearts. Being there for each other and knowing we are never alone in this.”