I already said this long time ago, but based on season 1 pacing, we should absolutely expect the unexpected, when it comes to adaptation. This is basically a second draft of the story, and not a direct panel by panel adaptation. The author has been given a shot to fix, rearrange and streamline his old story.

Everyone is so pessimistic about how the future seasons will be structured. I was saying that the Thraxa stuff will happen early in season 2, and everyone laughed me out of the room, saying that it will at best be the cliffhanger of season 2. And yet here we are, Episode 3 and it already started.

My point is this. The comic means nothing when it comes to making guesses. It’s all up to the creators, on which events they will cut, move forward, expand or shorten. So for all we know, expect the unexpected, instead of saying that this or that event happens in 50 chapters, so clearly it’s in season 4.

We just don’t know.