In Episode 3 of Seaseon 2, we see Mark being tricked into going to another planet by an alien on Nolan’s behalf.

This is why i think he is decietful:

In addition to the 20 year lies to Debbie and Mark, Nolan clearly thought that Mark wouldn’t come to him if he had asked in an honest manner, so he decides to teach his “subjects” to lie and manipulate to get people to do his bidding(in this case, Mark coming to one of his planets to see him). This already tells me that he thinks the only way to get his way is through lies and manipulation.

This is why I think he is selfish:

Judging from his position in said planet in Episode 3, he hails as a ruler of that planet. This tells me that Nolan values the glory of being a ruler or monarch and not necessarily the glory of helping his citizens. It seems he craves praise and judging by Cecil’s remarks, Nolan thinks he is above the rules and will do whatever he wants whenever he wants with no regard of the others involved in the situation. This already marked his selfishness.

But something that irritated me the most is the fact that he had the audacity to plan to pull out Mark from College for a week just before his first day. Imagine how behind Mark will be on college work. Those of us who’ve been to college or university know very well the importance of the first month, let alone the first day, for orientation and understanding of the course work that will need to be tackled. So now Nolan doesn’t mind disrupting his son’s education?! On top of almost killing him. And the way he dragged Mark to this planet, and acts non-chalant about meeting him as if he didn’t nearly kill him, shows, at the very least, the lack of self-awareness and regard for his son’s feelings that he has.

Overall: I think Nolan is selfish, decietful, callous, a glory-seeker and lacks self-awareness. I suspect he is narcissistic to some extent (we will see how narcissistic he truly is as the series continues).

Prediction: I think that Nolan is gonna use this planet to show his success in conquering and “improving” the planet as a Viltrumite to Mark, to try to convince him to join the Viltrumite Empire and it’s cause. I predict that Mark will only see the nice parts of the planet, but as he explores it, he will see the neglected and exploited parts(which i predict will be the majority of the planet). Mark will probably fight with his Dad about it and demand to leave the planet. This will also deepen Mark’s trust issues as he will never trust another alien coming to his help again, in fear that it’s relating to his father. He will probably restrict himself to Earth until something dramatically changes and strongly convinces him that he needs to go to space again.

  • Dveralazo@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    This already tells me that he thinks the only way to get his way is through lies and manipulation.

    When you have beaten your son almost to death I don’t think you can expect them to come visit if you tell the true. Yes, manipulation and lie was probably the only way. Let’s see if at least there’s a good cause behind.

    This tells me that Nolan values the glory of being a ruler or monarch and not necessarily the glory of helping his citizens.

    Well,you aren’t going to change thousands of years of indoctrination in months. Probably that’s how he was raised. He was taught to be superior to any other alien just for existing.

    But something that irritated me the most is the fact that he had the audacity to plan to pull out Mark from College for a week just before his first day.

    Here I have to give it to Nolan. Mark Grayson goes to college. WHY? No, seriously,why? What use has a near-inmortal being for earth education.

    I think Nolan is selfish, decietful, callous, a glory-seeker and lacks self-awareness. I suspect he is narcissistic to some extent (we will see how narcissistic he truly is as the series continues).

    He is a space nazi probably in rehab,so I think he is all of those things to a certain degree.