Super hard to watch
Allen has the same powers as Doomsday from DC. Whenever he is defeated or broken he heals and comes back even stronger than before. Those Viltrumites just accidentally made him even more dangerous
Allen is about to take the saying " >! That which doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.!< " To a whole new level.
!Non-comic readers vs. comic readers watching this scene!<
if you want the spoiler tags to work, they have to touch text both sides
>! doesn't work >!works
Same tbh
Don’t make me use it
The credit fake out was…something
no, you don’t understand, it was just a long ass post credit scene
The people editing this season are just trolling us lmfao
Damnit. I just guessed it was a short episode.
Now I need to finish it
Generally-speaking, just watch until Amazon throws up the “next” pop-up in the lower-right. That’s when you know the content is done.
Bruh wtf do you skip the mid credits scenes?
10 minutes after the credits I was like “wait, I thought this episode was over”
I was expecting a “tales of ba sing se” format in that moment.
Would have gotten me good if I hadn’t just paused it and known I was <20 minutes into the episode.
I didn’t know Monty Python was still making episodes
!Eh, he’ll be fine.!<
My boy Allen is about to become an absolute beast
Spoiler for the show-onlys, dude. Use a spoiler tag.
Allen outside the diner
I love the soundtrack in that episode
Is there a reason they didn’t just kill them all though? I mean he was their “champion” and messed him good. Why not just destroy the whole station?
To add to the other comment, it seemed that (I’m an only show guy) every time they tried to destroy the revolution bases, the rebels just formed somewhere else. Now, they have everyone in one place AND get the information that they use.
This is like war heaven for them.
He better pull through
looking up from the graphic novels on the desk
We’re…um… We’re gonna see more of that!
!lmao y’all just wait!<
It was heart-wrenching, I watched that part with a hand over my mouth the whole time. Allen is too precious to be subjected to a scene like that :(
I’m still confused as to why a certain individual didn’t fight it during that part.
This episode hit me hard in a lot of ways. Holy hell I was NOT expecting things to turn out like this.