Omni-man said the whole reason for having Mark was so when he was of age and obtained his Viltrumite powers, they could get Earth ready to be assimilated into the Viltrum empire.

But ever since the Flaxans invaded Earth, I have to wonder if he even needed Mark in the first place. Nothing Earth or Cecil has could have stopped Omni-Man from enslaving humanity. The much more technologically advanced Flaxans were single-handedly wiped out by him as well. Even all of the Guardians of the Globe together could stop him.

Did you think he might have delayed the inevitable on purpose? I personally think he didn’t need to blend in, learn their ways, find their weakness. It’s apparent that he could take anything they threw at him.

What do you think? Did his love for Earth eclipse his loyalty to Viltrum?

  • bellerophon70@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    If I remember correctly, Omni-man wasn’t even pretty happy about the fact that Mark got his powers, as if he wanted that this moment never happened.

    What if Omni-Man actually wanted to live a peaceful life - and with him being the only Viltrumite on Earth as their protector.
    Probably he wasn’t even officially on Earth, maybe he was hiding there.
    The moment Mark got his power may ruined his plans of a peaceful life knowing that Mark sooner and later would fly to space and meet other Viltrumites which for sure would not accept him at all as an interspecies inbreed which for sure would also backfire to Omni-Man as well.
    To not look as traitor he had to do what Viltrumites usually do and give at least the impression he’s working for the Viltrum empire so they leave him alone.

    It might have even worked if Allen had not told others about the Earth situation.