For a while I thought…okay maybe he’s meant to be symbolic of how sometimes when we date someone, we see only what we want to see. Or sometimes when you get a rebound to get over an ex, we’re so clouded by the need to prove to the ex that we’re fine and we’ve moved on that we don’t see through the “red flags”

But then I don’t know…he was a KID!!! Someone help me out, I’m high (only the normal amount😂) and rewatching for the 50 millionth time and this is stuck in my head

  • justsometransboy@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Yeah I wonder about this too… like should there even be a joke about PC dating Vincent if it’s not just supposed to be symbolic of something or other (ie if we just see him how BJ sees him) . Because if not it’s extremely creepy and weird. My only other answer is that there’s like a species of human in this universe that are adults but happen to look like three kids in a trench coat. This could be confirmed by Vincent’s/Kevin’s braces and freckles changing each time we see one of them in the episode where PC breaks up with him. And some people have pointed out that there are some times where you see him on the phone clearly sitting in some sort of office. But even that theory doesn’t make it that ok.