For a while I thought…okay maybe he’s meant to be symbolic of how sometimes when we date someone, we see only what we want to see. Or sometimes when you get a rebound to get over an ex, we’re so clouded by the need to prove to the ex that we’re fine and we’ve moved on that we don’t see through the “red flags”

But then I don’t know…he was a KID!!! Someone help me out, I’m high (only the normal amount😂) and rewatching for the 50 millionth time and this is stuck in my head

  • chairmanm30w@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I interpreted it as a joke about how the kind of man that women tend to engage in these kinds of relationships with lack sophistication and maturity to the degree that they may as well be several children stacked on top of each other in a trench coat. Vincent is an uncomplicated, blank slate who is just happy to be taken cared of and given access to adult things. PC is so used to being actively treated like shit that she misinterprets this behavior as healthy and loving. She calls Vincent a “good listener” because he literally has nothing to say, as opposed to insulting, invalidating, or criticizing her.

    • HereComesTheLuna@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      I think this is an exceptional way to put it. I hadn’t even give it much thought other than, though exceedingly creepy, it was hilarious and now I feel stupid.

      But yeah… She entered that, ugh, “relationship” right after her relationship with Bojack ended. We know how Bojack treats women, and I find it tragic that PC stayed with Bojack as long as she did. Add in that PC is a powerful, smart, resilient woman, I can’t imagine how horrible she felt about herself having stayed in that relationship. So, it makes sense how she dives into this whole thing with Vincent-- he has nothing to bring to the table and she has to take care of him and put up with his tantrums, but since he’s a literal child and can’t bring any conversation to the table, she interprets this as him being a “good listener” who “knows how to treat a woman.”

      With the way she talks about all her former boyfriends, she was used to getting treated horribly. Vincent had no redeeming qualities, and she even found herself making excuses for the way he treats her (i.e, “he’s cranky because he just got adult braces”) but can’t seem to understand that his behavior isn’t normal, because at this point she’d never been in a mutually respectful adult relationship.