For a while I thought…okay maybe he’s meant to be symbolic of how sometimes when we date someone, we see only what we want to see. Or sometimes when you get a rebound to get over an ex, we’re so clouded by the need to prove to the ex that we’re fine and we’ve moved on that we don’t see through the “red flags”

But then I don’t know…he was a KID!!! Someone help me out, I’m high (only the normal amount😂) and rewatching for the 50 millionth time and this is stuck in my head

  • urmumlol9@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    It’s a dumb cartoon gag that Princess Carolyn goes along with because she’s a cartoon character. Like a lot of Todd’s actions and schemes, I don’t think there’s meant to be any deeper meaning because they never discuss any repercussions of their relationship and it’s not really something that could happen in real life.

    She doesn’t want to interact with Bojack, so she rebounds with the first guy she sees, who, for comedic effect, is really three kids in a trench coat. She’s oblivious to this fact because it’s supposed to be funny that Bojack is the only one who sees this. There are never any sex scenes or lines implying that they had sex both because it would be off-putting to the audience and would ruin the running gag. Notice how they never really even kiss, the only thing they ever do is say that they’re in a relationship, whereas all of her other partners except Judah it is implicitly or explicitly stated she had sex with them.

    The only time any sexual attraction is even mentioned is when she asks Bojack if he can imagine Vincent in a swimsuit, which again, is meant to be her being oblivious.