I just finished Good girl, bad blood. I am never moving on from this. This was so sad. I almost cried. I am broken for the rest of my life. Yes. Life is so unfair. And i hate Max Hastings. I hate him so much. That B. I feel so bad for Stanley. I hated him at first but last 50 pages. Poor guy. He deserved better. I like Jamie, but… he was so stupid. How are you willing to kill someone for a person you don’t even know in real life? I kinda get why he was so influenced by Layla but like… what? I feel so bad for Pip. She had to go through so much at such a young age. And i love Ravi. He is such a genuinely good character. I don’t want to finish this series. I love it so much. These characters are part of my heart. But I need to start new book asap. I need to see Pip destroy Max Hastings. I am so excited to see this on screen but i swear… if when it comes out, someone is going to say that he is hot…

I didn’t think this book would be so sad. And i know third book is going to be even sadder. I don’t know what to do. My heart feels so heavy. BUT THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST BOOK SERIES EVER.