I really and I mean reallllyyyyyyyy didn’t think the show would have taken the turn it did in those last two episodes. I knew it was building up to some confrontation, but like THAT!?!? I need to just sit down and relax for like an hour lmao.

The season felt like we were getting 2 fantastic episodes and then cut to some filler and then BOOM we’re back at it with bodies flying all over the place.

The show really gave me The Boys mixed with Star Wars vibes with its own take on superheros and the father/son dynamic, and I don’t think this angle at superheros has been done before, or at least to my knowledge. Also there must be comics or something this is based off of??? I’m ignorant so pardon me if these are like well known characters and a known universe I just have not heard of before.

I’m sorry for yall who had to wait 2 years for a new season 😭. Although it didn’t really end on a cliffhanger like Severance did for example so I guess it was manageable.