I never hated her like a lot of people, it is pretty clear the writers heard the backlash and made very noticeable improvements to her relationship with Mark.

  • Satsuma0@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I actually wish they’d just chose to lean in to what they accidentally did instead of quickly moving on and making her fully supportive. She was a bit abusive in that moment w/ Mark… so lean into that.

    No humans are perfect in Invincible, and it’s not even close to the most fucked up thing the protagonists do to each other in this show. She’s not evil, she just couldn’t accept that Mark wanted to keep an important secret from her, even if it we know it was justifiable for him to keep that secret.

    If there’s one thing Invincible shows time and again, it’s that people aren’t just one thing. Amber can continue to be the kind, intelligent and assertive woman she was in Season 1 while not approving of Mark constantly being late, not being there when he says he will, hiding things from her… while still caring about him, wanting to try and continue that relationship. That friction would create more depth. Sure, it’s a bit selfish to be mad about these things when the alternative is Mark not saving people’s lives. But everyone is selfish about some things in Invincible. Nobody is a perfect angel who strives only for the greater good of society in all things… they’re all human (insert joke about all the alien characters here.)

    [Full Comic Spoilers] >!It’s not like she plays any future role in the story after the impending mutual breakup to see other people. She’s a background character who’s been given a little more depth, but is drawing closer and closer to the end of her screentime. I’m not sure how necessary it is to make her more palatable to the fanbase when she’s on the way out anyways. I would like them to accentuate both that she’s a kind person and that she’s ultimately incompatible with Mark in a relationship. Not everybody’s life and needs are suited to date an alien superhero who vanishes for days, weeks, or years at a time.!<