If it’s not a famous book, you may find some Goodreads reviews and if you’re lucky a Reddit post or two, but not vasts amount of online discussion like you’ll find about any passingly good series or movie.

And if you love a movie or a tv show, it is much easier to convince people in real life to also watch it, since it’s way less time consuming and not everyone even reads books, but most people watch movies.

I just think that this really sucks about reading books.

  • notasweetsperson@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I was broken in at an early age. Books were where I went not to feel lonely. School was very tough for me, and books saw me through it. I was always reading at lunch and in class. Mostly, people saw I was reading and ignored me, which I appreciated lol (and still do).

    Now, don’t come for me I don’t have no problems with people reading what ever makes them happy . . .

    but I have spent far more time listening to people tell me about books (usually the same ones) they have read and loved, even when they aren’t really readers anymore. I have read hundreds and hundreds of books and I have hundreds more on my TBR list, and I still have people telling me to read Harry Potter or Twilight because they loved it in school. (I am well aware there is no age limit — that is not my point.) Or they are huge romance novel readers, which I am not. Or they love crime and ‘who dun it’ books, which I do not. Or they adore YA, which I also do not.

    I am never asked for book recommendations. People find out I am a reader and happily say something along the lines of “That’s nice, not my thing!” or “I wish I read more, boo!” which is 90% of the time. Totally fine! Not everyone can stare at dead trees and hallucinate lmao.

    Then … that last 8%-ish I get “OMG I loved -insert popular novel I have no interest in reading here-” (Friends do this too, and I end up reading books don’t want to and -shockingly- don’t enjoy lol) So even in the reader world there is a very small margin of other readers that read what I read, or love what I love. 2%-ish I meet that have similar tastes are peeps online, almost always.

    I’m cool with that. That anyone reads at all is amazing! I am not a book snob, you don’t “have to have read” anything for it “to count”. They can read what they want and I read what I want. But my point is, I have found when it comes to book and movie recommendations, people usually suggest it because they love it not because I will. So yeah, I’m good!

      • notasweetsperson@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        I just finished “What Moves the Dead” and am currently reading “Dune”, chewing my way steadily through “The Brothers Karamasov” and have my sights set on “Mexican Gothic”. I like fiction, fantasy, sci-fi, historical fiction, the occasional autobiography, horror, and the classics.