Why doesn’t South Park roast Biden? Fear of execution?
I said this on another thread yesterday. Because Biden isn’t especially funny. He’s bumbling, a bit ineffectual, old. But that’s an SNL skit. Not South Park. Also they have only done what, 12 episodes since he was elected?
Bullshit hes fucked up in more ways than that with being to damn old not to mention bidenflation and his crack ass son dont tell me there’s no material your just blind
He’s not funny. Presidents aren’t supposed to be funny.
There’s better things out there to make a show about. I voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020, and I completely understand why Matt and Trey went hard on the Trump/Garrison angle. Trump is polarizing. Made for great writing. Week after week, month after month, year after year, Trump did something, said something wild. Biden is the opposite of that. Biden is not interesting at all.
Yes that is it exactly. You figured it out, darn you.
Because picking on the mentally infirm is too much even for southpark.
Jimmy and Timmy would like a word. Though for the latter you can probably guess which word.
I know… That’s the joke…
Underrated comment
easy jokes
I skit with Biden sleeping at his desk while Hunter hops around the background doing blow everywhere with the same visuals as Saddam would be hilarious. I would just avoid any specific politics if they don’t wanna go to far. But an episode about him could literally write itself if they did want to take the low hanging fruit. Sadly we are in a time where making fun of the president isn’t something that people will laugh at anymore if it’s the guy they voted for. I think in the 80’s through mid 2000’s people didn’t get as up in arms about it. It was taken for what it was, comedy.