As an adult, it’s been a constant source of frustration to me that there are huge gaps in my knowledge when it comes to literature that other people of my generation have read - either through school, or because they were popular at the time, or because they’re regarded as “classics”*

But it wasn’t like I didn’t read as a kid. I read A LOT. But the funny thing was, I was really specific about what I read.

For example, Jaws by Peter Benchley. I read that as an 11-12 year old and loved it. And then I read it 6 times in a row. Did I read anything else of his? Of course not. Wasn’t interested.

Or the Point Horror series (because I’m too old for Goosebumps!). I absolutely devoured them, but only the ones by R.L.Stein. Why? Because I read one of his first. That’s literally it.

Anyone else had this relationship with books as a kid?

*don’t worry, I know this is often more to do with matters of capitalism/patriarchy/colonialism than quality.

  • minimalist_coach@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I was also an avid reader as a kid, but it’s been hit and miss in my adult life. I’ve always made time to read, but I was either reading books to benefit my work or something fun like SciFi.

    I’m now retired and have so much time to read. I thought I had missed out because I never took the time to read classics. One of my goals last year was to read some classics. I simply hated all of them, I think I read 8 and 2 of them were pure torture to finish.

    I’ve decided I can live without reading anything from the 100 books you must read before you die lists. I don’t need to study literature or understand what iambic pentameter is. I just want a good story or to learn about something I find interesting.