Quite honestly I can’t stand only a few books that I’ve read, recently The Awakening by Nora Roberts.
Holy crap, do I reallllyyyyy want my money back. I was bored. So. Bored. The magic system was subpar, the characters just….ew, everything was so, so boring. The MC is an idiot.
What book is a zero star read for you?
Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou! I felt like the only one who hated this! This and the Life of Pi for somewhat similar reasons as I can’t stand when an author thinks they have this brilliant plot twist and it reads so smugly as if their intelligence is twice that of the readers. I also hate when people think that using something as horrific as war/ concentration camps/ horrific violence as some kind of interesting or novel way to make their twist more poetic/ juicier/ avant- guard…. And it shows that they have never really undergone anything close to resembling hardship in their lives and have a sort of rubbernecking at a roadside fatality to gossip about what they saw later with glee vibe. Gross