I saw an interesting comment today that said that Bojack befriending Vance Waggoner makes him a worse person, he should’ve chosen to be alone instead of letting Vance talk to him. I personally see it as more of a gray area, Vance Waggoner doesn’t benefit that much from Bojack (until horny unicorn) and everyone hated Bojack anyway so it’s not like Bojack was helping Vance’s image or giving, as Diane said to Ana, “the cover of your friendship”. Bojack felt close to relapse and alone and so far we hadn’t seen Vance Waggoner rub off on Bojack to do Vance-level stuff so Bojack didn’t even let Vance corrupt him further. So personally, I think that since Bojack wasn’t liked by the public, he wasn’t improving Vance’s image or saying the stuff he did is okay, he just used the only companionship he had. It’s not like he hurt anyone in his life really by being friends with Vance since his only friend left was Peanutbutter. But then again the horrible stuff Vance did was presented in a comedic manner so maybe it’s hard to wrap one’s head around how incredibly awful of a person Vance would translate to in real life.

So what do you guys think, is letting a bad person lift up your spirits morally wrong? Have you ever had a “Vance” in your life, a friend who helped you out at your lowest and you accepted their help and friendship even though they were a bad person/had bad political views/did bad things in the past/things you didn’t think were right? I personally have, with someone whose political beliefs I found horrible. I parted ways with that person once I started doing better, but man did I really need them at the time.

  • acabxox@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    There was this guy in the village I grew up in that everyone knew was a nonce. He was 24 and only dating 15-17 year old girls. All the guys would comment on it.

    Then they’d see him in the pub, he’d talk to them, and they’d reply and have a conversation. He wasn’t a social outcast at all. He was “one of the guys”… with a big problem. It was gross. My friends & I avoided them all like the plague.

    Then when I was 17 and my ex partners assaulted me in front of his male friends, they were very irritated with me because my friend called the police and reported it. They thought it was a bit unfair and “just a couples fight”. Even though he then plead guilty to assault by beating.

    Idk, it’s so easy for people to brush things under the rug because they don’t want to make it awkward, can’t be arsed for a fight, or they want something from the person. Both these guys I mentioned provided social status and a “crew”. Bojack knew Vance was a POS, but thought hey fuck it, he can advance me and get my career back. What does it matter? Bojack was horrified seeing Vance at the college but went on to make horny unicorn anyway…