I’ve always considered the statement “I do not like to read” as somewhat dubious. In my opinion, there’s always something interesting to read; perhaps that person simply hasn’t found THE book. However, my friend corrected me, emphasizing that it’s not necessarily the case. Some people genuinely do not enjoy reading books in any form or format.
What’s your take on such cases? Do you believe it’s a matter of finding the right book, or is it indeed a case of liking or disliking reading altogether?
Preferred medium is pretty unimportant to me. I don’t like long TV dramas (e.g. breaking bad, mad men, etc.), but I understand why people watch them. People like what they like, and that’s cool.
For instance, I think video games are an amazing medium for storytelling that has really matured in the past 15 years with its level of writing and characterization. But some people will still say “video games are for kids,” when that’s just factually wrong.
I think doing the opposite by putting books up on a pedestal as “the mature medium” is just as dubious.
All mediums have their benefits and drawbacks.