I’ve always considered the statement “I do not like to read” as somewhat dubious. In my opinion, there’s always something interesting to read; perhaps that person simply hasn’t found THE book. However, my friend corrected me, emphasizing that it’s not necessarily the case. Some people genuinely do not enjoy reading books in any form or format.
What’s your take on such cases? Do you believe it’s a matter of finding the right book, or is it indeed a case of liking or disliking reading altogether?

  • minimalist_coach@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    We all have preferences and I think that’s what makes us interesting. I’m an avid reader, but I’m the only one of my 5 siblings who reads for fun. I have 1 sister who has read some self help books over the years, but the rest of them haven’t picked up a book since school and we are all 60+ yo so I don’t think it’s going to change.

    My husband also doesn’t like to read, in 30+ years of marriage the only books I’ve seen him read are reference manuals and he just skims them for the info he needs.

    Not everyone wants to read and it has nothing to do with not finding the right book yet. They may not enjoy stories or they just choose to get stories in other forms of media.

    I don’t like to exercise, it’s not about finding the right exercise, I’ve tried almost everything over the years, I just don’t enjoy doing it. I literally have to trick and distract myself to get myself to so the bare minimum to stay mobile as I age. It’s just not something I enjoy, but I do it because if I don’t I will not have a fun retirement.