Since October I’ve noticed that these episodes have been slowly picked off Paramount+ in Canada - in my province at least.

Given the current political climate I can at least think of a reason why they would ban the last 3 to theoretically avoid controversy (then again if they’re banning specific episodes due to antisemitic themes you would think The Passion of the Jew would be the first to go, but those are still up lol), but I’m sort of puzzled as to why the first 4 have been taken off? I don’t remember anything in these episodes that would warrant them being removed over any other episode. There are plenty of worse ones out there, why do you think they removed those?

  • Krusty_Klown_Kollege@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    That’s the best line in the episode, and one of my top favorite episodes. Didn’t realize the word fag has to be censored nowadays. But why Cancelled and You got F’d in the A?

    • Cinnamon__Sasquatch@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      the delivery is perfect and the situation is so dumb, i love it

      who knows yo, reddit moderation is trigger happy so i prefer to not have to bother with them and just use an * every now and then