The “King” Mauler storyline.

In season 1 the Maulers talked about how they designed the machine so you didn’t know which one was the clone. They made it sound like a coin flip and didn’t matter who had the original body, just who had the original mind vs who had the copy. Otherwise it would be obvious who was the original body since the last memory would be sitting down on the specific table before starting the machine.

Anyway this episode made it seem like the body does actually matter, which makes their lore expansion in season 1 seem kind of pointless.

Maybe they could’ve made it so there’s still the coin flip and then they just repair the damaged Mauler with their cloning expertise.

Imo the King Mauler subplot worked in the comics but it doesn’t fit with how they explained the cloning process in the show.

Or am I just not understanding something (that has happened before)?