Why does Manual(Ecuadorian man on new season)remind me of a mix of Luis from Molly and Luis and Jose from the 90 day UK version?!I swear they are a combo of these two in one!Also it seems to me that he is obviously using the girl to get closer to his family in NY or wherever we are finding out in another episode.I always find it ridiculous that these people willingly blind themselves to the most obvious of scammers.Also I had a question if anyone knows,but I do recall it used to be in the states that you had to support the person you’re sponsoring for ten years/x amount of work quarters,but apparently trump changed that to you have to support them for life?If that’s true how does that work,I know this show isn’t a good example of what the actual process is like and there are a lot of true romance stories but in these types of situationships I can’t imagine needing to support someone for life if they were using me!